Computer skills are used in all industries. It is important to show you have these skills when you are applying for jobs. Be sure to include these skills on your resume. Be prepared to show your skills during the interview process to prove you are qualified for the job. Take a look at the Digital Literacy Guide for more in-depth information.
There are various levels of computer users:
There are programs to help you update your computer skills. Many offer industry recognized credentials when you complete tests. These programs can be offered through:
Regardless of your skill level, keeping your skills updated and following technology trends can help you:
Basic Computer Skills
Workplace Computer Applications
Working with Tools & Technology
If you’d like to quickly test yourself on these skills, check out our scenario guide. This guide provides you with a few example situations on the first page, as well as space where you can write your solutions. Once you’ve done this, measure your responses against our answers on the second page.
You can find this guide in the “Documents” section of this article.