COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant

Creation Date: 10/07/2020

Employer Name: Turning Point
Career Pathway: Not Available
Location of Service: 60098-0723
Program: Laid off worker
Organization: McHenry County Workforce Network
Program Details: Help Getting a Job

Four jobs and $125,000.00 estimated annual wages were saved during COVID. The funds paid for equipment which allowed remote counseling sessions and training between the advocates and clients that could not happen in person. The funds also paid for daily sanitizing of all spaces. By providing the daily cleaning the agency was able to welcome staff and certain clients into the building to provide most services uninterrupted, although in modified forms at time. During the pandemic, the agency has served over 523 victims of domestic violence and fielded more than 700 crisis hotline calls and remained open 24/7 along with our secure emergency shelter.