I'm proud to be a woman in manufacturing

Creation Date: 09/15/2021

Name: Christina Schubert
Career Pathway: Manufacturing
Location of Service: 61101-1169
Program: Apprenticeship Illinois
Organization: Elgin Community College (ECC)
Credentials Earned: Associate Degree in Maintenance Technology
Program Details: Training
Impacted Geographical Area: City or ZIP Code

Christina Schubert loves working with her hands to solve problems. A maintenance registered apprentice, she has weathered losing an apprentice job due to COVID-19, a transfer to Elgin Community College and has come out stronger than ever. Thrilled to be at Mauser Packaging, she's found a home and sees a successful future. She's making more money than she ever made and is planning to continue on, with Mauser's support, to her Bachelor's Degree. Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/29-vmYxTtGY