Employment Success Story

Creation Date: 01/16/2023

Name: Desmond Pullum
Career Pathway: Not Available
Location of Service: 60612-2640
Program: Incumbent Worker Program
Organization: UCAN Community Youth Employment Program
Program Details: Training
Impacted Geographical Area: State (Illinois)

Desmond Pullum was born in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from Robert T. Crane Medical Prep High School in June 2022. He has been working with UCAN since March of 2022, participating in various programs to expand his skill set for the workforce. 

Career Specialist Lionel Carter has been working with Mr. Pullum since November 2022. He has attended serval Job Readiness Trainings at UCAN, which Career Specialist Lionel Carter and Linda Hernandez facilitates for youth ages 16 to 24. Mr. Carter has been working with Desmond, providing emotional, social, and employment support and encouragement to inspire him to push further to reach his goals.

Walgreens hired Mr. Pullum in December 2022. The store manager and staff applaud Mr. Pullum for his professional character and ability to perform at a high level at their store while participating in UCANS Illinois Youth Investment Program. Career Specialist Lionel Carter will continue working with Desmond to achieve his future goals and dreams.