Mission Accomplished!

Creation Date: 04/13/2023

Name: Samantha Haigh
Career Pathway: Architecture and Construction
Location of Service: 60565-2076
Program: Youth Career Pathways
Organization: Quad County Urban League
Credentials Earned: NCCER

Program Details

Impacted Geographical Area: City or ZIP Code

My name is Samantha Haigh; I participated in the Youth Career Pathway Program at the Quad County Urban League. I had doubts when first going into my journey with Quad County Urban League. What was the program about, how will I do, and how will it conflict with my work?

First, I met LaQuentin, Xavier, and Manuela. Their warming energy made me feel as if I belonged in the space and felt welcomed into the programs (Nicor Gas Academy & Youth Career Pathways). As the classes began, we learned about different curricula on upholding ourselves, resume prep, interview prep, and working on our interpersonal development as well as the many staff that helps everyone along the way, such as Manuela Gracia’s constant support and willingness to help me, and Xavier Garcia for continually being on top of everything and ensuring everyone was on the correct path.

Quad County League gave me the key to open doors of opportunities. Meeting each morning, we learned how to showcase our best skills, meet with HR representatives from different companies, and learn further about their work and the work-based learning opportunities. Quad County Urban League gives everyone a fair chance. It provides all the resources for a successful program and even offers proper clothing for any candidate needing such help. With all the skills I gained through the various Quad County Urban League programs, I landed a job as an Associates Banker at BMO Harris Bank!