Guaranteed a Bright Future

Creation Date: 05/09/2023

Name: Malinda Cooks
Career Pathway: Health Science
Location of Service: 62254-1527
Program: Apprenticeship Illinois
Organization: St. Clair IGD
Credentials Earned: Journeyman's Card
Program Details: Training
Impacted Geographical Area: LWIA

Malinda Cooks is a mother to two children. In February 2020, she was hired as an Inpatient Pharmacy Technician at BJC–Memorial Hospital in Belleville. In March 2022, Malinda entered the Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship and began taking classes at Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC).

According to Cooks, “I chose to pursue the apprenticeship program because I wanted to learn more about the pharmacy and expand my knowledge so I can better understand the medicine that patients were prescribed. I needed to know this information to pass the PTCE and to improve my work performance.”

She explained that by being in the apprentice program, she achieved passing the PTCE. The PTCE is a required certification after two years of pharmacy work. Individuals can take the PTCB or NHA; both are nationally recognized exams. Malinda is very proud of this achievement as she is now a Tech II and IV trained. She can move on to Tech III and IV positions within the pharmacy.

Cooks shared that the most surprising thing was learning all the necessary tools within one semester. So much knowledge had to be learned, like the 200 drugs, laws, etc. She was amazed at how the program was structured and how it covered every area required to be taught in such a short period. She was also amazed at how many resources were available to the students for additional help.

Malinda said, “There were a few challenges, like studying while working and taking care of kids. Sometimes, it was hard to get to class because I had to get my kids to school on time. I also had to travel from Lebanon to Alton for clinicals. I had a few childcare issues when my kids were sick, but I still needed to go to school. The instructors worked to accommodate me so I wouldn’t miss anything.”

Amanda Santini, Pharmacy Supervisor, said, “Since Malinda has started and completed the apprenticeship program, she has gained not only additional pharmacy knowledge but also a lot of confidence in critical pharmacy tasks.”

“I would advise someone looking to take an apprenticeship as a career pathway to stay focused and never stop asking questions about things you don’t know. Whether the career is in retail or a hospital, the need for pharmacy techs is in high demand. Making this decision, you are guaranteed to have a brighter future,” said Cooks.