IT Apprenticeship Transformative Decision

Creation Date: 11/21/2023

Name: Christian Arnold
Career Pathway: Information Technology
Location of Service: 60540-0934
Program: Apprenticeship Illinois
Organization: College of DuPage Project Hire-Ed
Program Details: Help Getting a Job

From the moment I started my journey as a Desktop Support Apprentice (or Information Systems Apprentice) at Northwestern Medicine, the decision to choose this path became increasingly evident. Being an apprentice in such a high-priority healthcare institution was about gaining technical skills and immersing myself in an environment that thrives on innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to patient care. The primary reason for pursuing an apprenticeship was the unique opportunity to bridge the gap between things I learned in school (at the College of DuPage) between knowledge and practical application.

Northwestern Medicine strongly emphasizes hands-on experience, allowing apprentices (like me) to work directly with cutting-edge technologies and real-world challenges. This dynamic approach enhances technical skills and fosters a deeper understanding of the healthcare industry’s needs. In desktop support, my experiences ranged from troubleshooting hardware and software issues to implementing system upgrades seamlessly.

The mentorship provided by seasoned professionals ensured a steady learning curve, allowing me to grow in confidence and competence. Working with experts in the field accelerated my technical proficiency and exposed me to the critical role desktop support plays in maintaining the hospital’s day-to-day operations. I feel like I’m already growing at an alarming rate; pretty soon, I feel like I will be able to find the solution to anything in the realm of my department’s abilities.

Collaboration was a cornerstone of my experience as an apprentice at NM. The healthcare environment demands a high level of teamwork, and my role allowed me to interface with various departments, from nursing to administration. I’ve worked on numerous projects with people on other teams, like managing Apple products and developing ideas for healthcare providers to maintain a steady and productive workflow. I’ve also worked with Networkers, Systems Engineers, Sound Design, and Cybersecurity teams. This cross-functional collaboration not only broadened my understanding of the healthcare system but also honed my communication skills, showed me a whole new side of IT, and made me start to come up with ideas about which branch of IT I would want to pursue.

The work environment at Northwestern Medicine is very positive and friendly. The energy within the IT department is excellent, driven by a shared commitment to excellence and a passion for leveraging technology to enhance patient care. In retrospect, choosing to be a Desktop Support Apprentice at Northwestern Medicine was a transformative decision but a pivotal step in terms of what I want to pursue.