Unlocking Pathways to Success: College of DuPage Expands Apprenticeship in Non-Traditional Fields

Creation Date: 04/04/2024

Name: Stephanie Spencer
Career Pathway: Education and Training
Location of Service: 60137-6708
Program: Apprenticeship Illinois
Organization: Community College District 502, College of DuPage
Program Details: Training

In a world where traditional career pathways are evolving at an unprecedented pace, the College of DuPage (COD) is a champion of innovation, leading the charge in expanding apprenticeship opportunities in non-traditional fields. With the strategic expansion, COD witnessed an extraordinary 86% increase in apprenticeships from the 2022-2023 academic year to the 2023-2024 academic year, transforming lives and shaping futures across diverse sectors.

Traditionally rooted in manufacturing, COD's apprenticeship program underwent a remarkable transformation, embracing the dynamic demands of the modern workforce. By diversifying offerings to encompass Information Technology, Healthcare, Early Childhood Education, and Business/Human Resources, COD extended its reach in work-based learning, fostering a new era of skills development and professional growth.

At the heart of this success story lies COD's unwavering commitment to forging impactful partnerships. By collaborating with respected institutions like Northwestern Medicine, apprenticeships were developed in Medical Assisting, Computer Desktop Support and Software Development. COD bridges critical skill gaps and nurtures a talent pipeline tailored to the evolving needs of the healthcare and technology sectors.

Moreover, COD's commitment to inclusivity and diversity underscores its role as a catalyst for societal change. By democratizing access to apprenticeship opportunities across industries, COD champions diversity as a cornerstone of progress, fostering an inclusive ecosystem where talent thrives irrespective of background or circumstance. By equipping apprentices with cutting-edge skills and real-world experience, COD ignites a transformative journey toward professional excellence and personal fulfillment.

As we celebrate the success of COD's expanded apprenticeship program, we witness a paradigm shift in the workforce development landscape. Guided by innovation, fueled by collaboration, and driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, COD continues to unlock pathways to success. College of DuPage's apprenticeship program epitomizes the transformative power of education in shaping a brighter, more prosperous future for all.