Policy Chapters and Sections

WIOA Rapid Response (1E) Grant Funds

Chapter: 6 Section: 2
Effective Date: 3/14/2022
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 7/19/2024 10:04:37 AM
Status: Current
Version: 7

Tags: Grants, Rapid Response, DW State Reserve 1E

Rapid Response encompasses strategies and activities for the state or designated entity to respond as quickly as possible following an announcement of a permanent closure, mass layoff, or natural or other disaster which results in mass job loss. Through Rapid Response, the state or designated entity delivers services to enable dislocated workers to transition to new employment as quickly as possible. The purpose of Rapid Response is to promote economic recovery and vitality by developing an ongoing, comprehensive approach to identifying, planning for, or responding to layoffs and dislocations, and preventing or minimizing their impacts on workers, businesses, and communities.

No Attachments Found
No Forms & Instructions Found
21-NOT-06, Change 1 - WIOA 1E-C Funding Procedures
21-NOT-06, Change 1 Attachment B - SFY 22 WIOA 1E-C Application
21-NOT-06, Change 1 Attachment C - SFY 22 WIOA 651 Uniform Budget Template
21-NOT-06, Change 1 Attachment D - SFY 22 WIOA 651 Uniform Budget Modification Template
22-NOT-04 - FY24-PY23 WIOA 651 Uniform Budget Modification Template
22-NOT-04 - FY24-PY23 WIOA 651 Uniform Budget Template
22-NOT-04 Attachment A - PY’22 Rapid Response (1E) Grant Funds Application - Fillable
22-NOT-04 PY'22 Rapid Response (1E) Grant Funds Application with Attach