Policy Chapters and Sections


Chapter: 7 Section: 2
Effective Date: 12/5/2024
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 12/5/2024 10:06:29 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: Program Eligibility, Services

Training services can contribute to the employment success of many Adults and Dislocated Workers. Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), these training services may be available to employed and unemployed Adults and Dislocated Workers who meet the appropriate eligibility requirements. Training services include the full range of occupational skills training, adult education and literacy services, on-the-job (OJT) training, incumbent worker training, and customized training.

  1. Career Planners may determine that training services are appropriate, regardless of whether the individual first received career services. 
  2. After a thorough, comprehensive assessment (interview, evaluation, and formal assessments) with the participant, the need for training must be determined based on the participant’s ability to obtain or retain employment that will lead to self-sufficiency or higher wages.
  3. If it is determined that the individual needs the training, the career planner must clearly validate and document the individual: 
    1. Is unlikely or unable to retain employment or needs training services that lead to economic self-sufficiency;
    2. Has the skills and qualifications or will be enrolled in appropriate remedial or pre-requisite course work to participate in the selected program of training services successfully;
    3. Made the decision on the training program and provider through informed consumer choice and in consultation with the Career Planner;
    4. Selected, if funding is through an Individual Training Account (ITA), the most appropriate program of training services from the state’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) that is linked to the employment opportunities in the local area or the planning region, or in another area to which the individual is willing to commute or relocate;
    5. Sought and accepted grant assistance from other sources to pay the costs of such training, including such sources as State-funded training funds or Federal Pell Grants, or requires WIOA assistance in addition to other sources of grant assistance, including Federal Pell Grants; and
    6. If applicable, is a member of a worker group covered under a petition filed for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and is awaiting a determination. If the petition is certified, the worker may transition to TAA-approved training. If the petition is denied, the worker will continue training under WIOA.
  4. When appropriate, training services must be provided either through an ITA and/or through a training contract for work-based training options, such as Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs), On-the-Job Training (OJT), or customized training. Subsequent sections of this chapter in the policy manual cover each of these training options in more detail.
  5. Regardless of the type of training to be provided to a customer, the career plan must be developed following the Individual Employment Plan (IEP) and Individual Service Strategy (ISS) section of the policy manual, and the training portion of the career plan must include the following:
    1. Employment goal and wage expectation;
    2. Employment assistance determination (assistance in finding grants to pay for training costs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), State-funded training funds, and Federal Pell Grants so that WIOA funds supplement other sources of training grants);
    3. Training goal(s), including any industry-recognized credentials expected to be obtained;
    4. Training plan, including the need for remedial, pre-requisite, vocational or occupational training;
    5. Length of training program, including expected training breaks;
    6. All necessary training components, especially when multiple types of training are to be provided (i.e., remedial training leading to OJT or customized training); and
    7. Supportive services, as described in the Supportive Services section of the policy manual, are necessary for the customer to complete the training.
  6. All training programs must comply with Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIB) policies, which establish training limits and other requirements.
    1. Requirements for local policies are outlined in the Local ITA Policy section of the policy manual.
    2. Local areas may consider waivers or exceptions to these limits for specific training programs, such as OJTs, class-size training, or customized training, to meet the needs of area employers.
  7. Grantees shall consider all training options to customize training for the customer's specific training needs. Training must lead to placement in a demand occupation.

WIOA Section 129 - Use of funds for youth workforce investment activities

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart B - Training services

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart F - Work-based training

WIOA Section 134 - Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Use of funds

WIOA Final Rules, Part 681, Subpart D - One-stop services to youth

Training Provider and Training Program Eligibility

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