Policy Chapters and Sections


Chapter: 7 Section: 2
Effective Date: 10/9/2013
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 8/20/2021 8:18:40 AM
Status: Current
Version: 1

Tags: Program Eligibility, Services

The requirements of this section relate to general eligibility of training providers of training programs.

  1. All training programs must be provided by an eligible training provider, unless otherwise allowed in accordance with the Training section of the policy manual.
    1. The case manager must work with the individual seeking training services to select a training provider program that will lead to an employment related placement. 
  2. All training programs, unless otherwise noted within this policy or the Training section of the policy manual, must be certified and include a target occupation(s) from the current Demand Occupation Training List for the local area.
  3. Training Contract Requirements
    1. All training contracts or written agreements must include, at a minimum, the following information:
      1. Who is providing the training;
      2. Who is to receive the training;
      3. What training will be provided;
      4. Where the training will be provided;
      5. The length of the training to be provided (to include the start and end date, number of days per week, and number of hours per day);
      6. The cost of the training program (to include only reasonable and acceptable costs); and
      7. If applicable, the amount of employer matching or leveraged support and how it will be provided.
    2. Assess current training offerings to ensure that the contracts are not duplicating existing training courses and curricula.  These training contracts can be performance-based to ensure that they result in real outcomes for the student.
    3. For training that will be held away from a traditional classroom setting, assurances that reasonable working conditions are being provided (including health and safety standards established under State and Federal laws) must be included in the contract or written agreement.
  4. Regardless of the type of training to be provided to a customer, an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) shall be developed that includes, at a minimum:
    1. Employment goal and wage expectation;
    2. Employment assistance determination;
    3. Training goal(s), including any industry-recognized credentials expected to be obtained;
    4. Training plan, including the need for remedial, pre-requisite, vocational or occupational training;
    5. Length of training program, including expected training breaks;
    6. All necessary training components, especially when multiple types of training are to be provided (i.e., remedial training leading to OJT or customized training); and
    7. Supportive services necessary for the customer to complete the training.
  5. All training programs must be in accordance with local workforce innovation area (LWIA) training limits and other requirements.
    1. Local areas may consider waivers or exceptions to these limits for certain training programs such as OJTs, Class Size Training, or Customized Training, to meet the needs of area employers.

Grantees shall consider all training options in order to customize training for the specific training needs of the customer.  Training must lead to placement in a demand occupation.

WIOA Section 129 - Use of funds for youth workforce investment activities

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart B - Training services

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart F - Work-based training

WIOA Section 134 - Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Use of funds

WIOA Final Rules, Part 681, Subpart D - One-stop services to youth

Training Provider and Training Program Eligibility

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