Policy Chapters and Sections

Performance Measures for Eligible Training Providers

Chapter: 7 Section: 3.9
Effective Date: 7/1/2021
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 7/25/2024 8:41:20 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: Program Eligibility, Services

  1. All eligible training providers, except for Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs), are required to provide basic performance data, when available, on their training programs in order to be approved for initial eligibility or continued eligibility.
    1. Similar to the RAP exemption from the eligibility requirements, RAPs also are exempt from ETP performance reporting requirements in WIOA, including any additional ETP reporting requirements that have been added by the state or local area; however, RAPs may voluntarily report performance outcomes.
    2. States may require only the information necessary to verify the registration status for the RAP.
  2. The specific training provider and training program performance information for ALL students of the program shall be provided, when available. The following ALL student performance data should include both WIOA and non-WIOA students:
    1. Total number of students for this training program;
    2. Total number of exiters (defined as those students who completed, withdrew or otherwise are no longer enrolled in the program of study or equivalent and have no planned gap in service and no future services planned, excluding follow-up) in this training program;
    3. Number of exiters who are employed during the second (2nd) quarter after exit quarter;
    4. Number of exiters who are employed during the fourth (4th) quarter after exit;
    5. For all exiters in a program of study where a wage match occurred, the median wage earned in the second (2nd) quarter after exit;
    6. Credential Rate for exiters for this training program;
    7. Employment Rate Q2 – completers (defined as a student who successfully completed the program of study in which they were enrolled);
    8. Employment Rate Q4 – completers;
    9. Median Wage Q2 – completers; and
    10. Number of students who began the program of study compared to those who completed the program of study.
  3. The WIOA student performance information for each of the data elements outlined in a.-j. above can be extracted from the Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS).
  4. The performance data required by paragraph 1. above should be entered in IWDS for the most current program year, as well as the previous three (3) program years.
    1. An example of this would be, during PY20, a CDL training program concluded in January 2020, the outcomes of those students should be reported for PY20, if they are available. Also, this CDL training program has been an ongoing training program since 2000. Data for those programs concluded during PY17, PY18, and PY19 should also be entered, if available.