Career planning is a customer-centered approach in delivering services to prepare and coordinate comprehensive career (employment) plans for participants that ensures access to workforce activities and supportive services during program participation and continuing for one (1) year after job placement. Career planning is a continual service provided to adults, dislocated workers, and youth to ensure their success in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services.
Successful career planning is a collaborative and ongoing process rather than a one-time activity. The process is individualized to the job seeker and prepares them to obtain employment leading to self‐sufficiency and placing them on a lifelong learning path. Effective career planning includes assessment, career readiness activities, preparation, and training, along with appropriate job matching and placement ending with one (1) year of follow-up. Providing supportive services and conducting follow-up are essential to the success of the jobseeker.
Key components of career planning include building rapport, effectively communicating, identifying appropriate services, convening key service providers, connecting participants with services, creating a strong employment plan, motivating and encouraging, following up after an appointment(s), monitoring services, and follow-up after exit. Additionally, keeping accurate, timely, and descriptive records of career planning efforts through appropriate case management is essential.