Policy Chapters and Sections

Resource Room Tracking

Chapter: 1 Section: 11.2
Effective Date: 5/14/2007
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 6/11/2021 10:52:06 AM
Status: Current
Version: 1

Tags: Illinois workNet, Reporting, Performance, Career Services, Services

  1. Resource room utilization and universal core services received by each participant must be recorded in IWDS. 

    1. System log-on and data input to IWDS must be performed by the LWIA or partner-funded staff only (e.g., a resource room technician or case manager).

    2. The system has been recently modified to collect DOL-ETA’s latest requirements for minimum data for self-service participants.

  2. Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIAs) must provide a listing of each resource room so that OET can establish them as distinct locations in IWDS. This is so that participant activity can be tracked by individual and associated with the distinct resource rooms.
    1. Staff user log-in of each resource room must be associated to the distinct resource room.
    2. The listing of Resource Rooms should be completed using the WIOA–Funded Resource Room Data form attachment.
    3. An updated version of the form detailing any changes to an existing Resource Room must be completed and a copy provided to OET within ten (10) business days of the changes.
    4. A new form must be completed and a copy provided to OET within ten (10) business days of the establishment of a new Resource Room. 
    5. All forms should be mailed or electronically forwarded to the OET staff listed on the Contacts tab.
  3. LWIAs must either utilize the IWDS resource room tracking system or a third-party tracking system that posts to IWDS to track the participants. Instructions for each system are found in the Resource Room Tracking Instructions attachment.
    Note:   The IWDS resource room tracking system is the preferred method of tracking participants.
  4. For those LWIAs choosing to use a third-party tracking system, the following data entry procedures should be followed:
    1. The LWIA must follow the process outlined in their third-party system for collecting the data necessary to track and report participant activity.
    2. LWIAs must ensure that all participant data be requested within the third-party system.  Data fields require a response and the default may not be “Prefer Not to Answer”.  If a third party system is unable to collect all required data elements and/or provide a weekly data load to IWDS, the LWIA cannot use the system for Resource Room utilization tracking. 
    3. The Interface Between Illinois Workforce Development System and Third Party Services Tracking Systems attachment provides the guidance for interfacing between the two systems. 
    4. Data load from third-party tracking systems to IWDS must be made on at least a weekly basis.
  5. Participant data
    1. All data must be requested of any participant using the resource room, but is not required to be provided by the participant.
    2. The data to be requested includes:
      1. First Name;
      2. Last Name;
      3. Zip code of the home address;
      4. Social Security Number (SSN);
      5. Birth Date;
      6. Labor Force Status at contact;
      7. Hispanic;
      8. Race/Ethnicity; and
      9. Gender.
    3. Data elements must be entered in the IWDS system.  Should the participant not provide the data, the LWIA must enter a response such as prefer not to answer in IWDS. 
  6. Participant classifications – Each classification is based on the data provided by the individual.
    1. Basic self-service participant – only the following data is collected from the individual:
      1. First Name;
      2. Last Name; and 
      3. Zip Code of the home address.
    2. Reported/non-registered self-service participant – the following data is collected from the individual:
      1. First Name;
      2. Last Name;
      3. Zip Code of the home address; and
      4. Social Security Number (SSN).
    3. WIOA participant – these individuals already have data recorded in the system for all nine items listed above (5.b.1-9) in support of a determination of eligibility for the program(s) under which they are served, as well as the applicable federal and state data collection requirements for registered customers.
  7. A flowchart is provided to illustrate how the various classifications are assigned.  See the Resource Room Tracking Decision attachment.
  8. Only those Resource Room services to participants who provide an SSN can be included in Quarterly and Annual reporting to DOL-ETA. This is in accordance with the requirements in the TEGL listed on the References tab.
  9. To assist LWIAs in managing resource room utilization, IWDS has five (5) reports available for local review. These reports are found in the Resource Room Reports on the Attachments and Forms & Instructions tabs.