Policy Chapters and Sections

Certification Process for One-Stop Center if the Local Board is not the One-Stop Operator

Chapter: 1 Section: 8.5
Effective Date: 3/4/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/29/2023 3:22:46 PM
Status: Current
Version: 9

Tags: Governance, One-Stop, LWIBs, IWIB

  1. The one-stop certification process for one-stop centers consists of five (5) main steps.
    1. Step 1:  One-Stop Operators Complete the Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers.  The Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers will be completed by the one-stop operator and submitted to the Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIB). 
      1. Each criterion will be self-evaluated as to whether the one-stop center meets the requirements by checking “Attained” or “Not Attained”. 
      2. The Local Certification Team will use the completed application during their review. 
    2. Step 2:  Convene Local Certification Team.  The LWIB chair or designee will convene and lead a Local Certification Team to conduct an independent, objective evaluation of the one-stop center seeking certification.
    3. Step 3:  Conduct Center Evaluation.  The Local Certification Team will conduct the evaluation of the one-stop center.  This process will include:
      1. Reviewing the completed Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers submitted by the one-stop center operator.
      2. Scheduling an on-site evaluation with a tour of the facility.  The on-site review will include at a minimum:
        1. A walk-through of various parts of the center as a customer might experience the service delivery flow and referrals.
        2. Interviews with center staff including all system partners.
        3. Interviews with a sample of employer and job seeker customers.
        4. A review of the center’s general materials (e.g., outreach and orientation materials, media, and activities; workshop and meeting offerings; and center calendars, as appropriate).
        5. A review of the system’s facilities, layout, and infrastructure, with a goal of customer accessibility and customer flow.
        6. Any additional on-site review needed to determine whether the certification criteria and indicators have been met.
      3. Following the site visit, interviews, and final responses to any follow-up questions, the Local Certification Team will add their comments to the Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers and provide their certification recommendation in Section D, Local Certification Team Recommendation, indicating one (1) of four (4) outcomes:
        1. Recommends certification – all criteria and indicators have been met.
        2. Recommends provisional certification pending successful completion of an MOU.
        3. Recommends provisional certification pending implementation of specific improvements by specified dates.
        4. Does not recommend certification. 
    4. Step 4:  LWIB Action.  The LWIB determines whether to accept the recommendation of the Local Certification Team through formal approval according to its bylaws.
      1. This may require a special convening of the Board or Executive Committee to meet the timelines suggested in paragraph 3 of the Timeline for One-Stop Certification section of this policy.
      2. If an existing comprehensive one-stop center is ultimately not certified as meeting all certification criteria or “for-cause,” the LWIB and one-stop operator must have a plan to ensure continuity of service until a center is certified.
    5. Step 5:  LWIB Notifies IWIB of Certification Decision.  The decision of the LWIB to accept or reject the recommendation of the Local Certification Team shall be reported to the IWIB, the local elected official(s), and ­­the one-stop operator with a copy of the completed Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers.
      1. In the event of a provisional certification, improvements needed to meet the initial certification criteria and a timeline for completing those actions shall be provided.
      2. When the one-stop operator informs the local board chair in writing that all issues preventing certification have been resolved, the Local Certification Team must independently verify that the improvements have been made. 
      3. The Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers shall be modified and resubmitted to the LWIB.