Policy Chapters and Sections

Certification Process for One-Stop Center if the Local Board is the One-Stop Operator

Chapter: 1 Section: 8.6
Effective Date: 3/4/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/29/2023 3:24:03 PM
Status: Current
Version: 8

Tags: Governance, One-Stop, LWIBs, IWIB

  1. In circumstances where the Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIB) is serving as the one-stop operator with approval from the Governor and local Chief Elected Official(s) CEO(s), the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB) must certify the one-stop center(s) in that local area.
    1. LWIBs that serve as the one-stop operator must notify the IWIB electronically at wioaplan@illinoisworknet.com by 5:00 p.m. on March 20.
    2. An individual designated by the IWIB will convene a State Certification Team to conduct an independent, objective evaluation for each LWIB-operated one-stop center described in the Certification Process for One-Stop Center if the Local Board is not the One-Stop Operator section of this policy.