Policy Chapters and Sections

Appeals Process for One-Stop Certification

Chapter: 1 Section: 8.8
Effective Date: 3/4/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/29/2023 3:36:17 PM
Status: Current
Version: 8

Tags: Governance, One-Stop, LWIBs, IWIB

  1. A Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIB) that denies or revokes one-stop center certification for which it sought approval must notify the one-stop operator of the center(s) in writing of its decision. 
  2. The notice shall include the following information:
    1. The one-stop center(s) that are being denied or revoked certification;
    2. The reason(s) for the denial or revocation; and
    3. Opportunities the one-stop operator has to appeal the decision if the reason for revocation or denial of certification is the responsibility of the one-stop operator.
    4. The notice must be sent to the one-stop operator via mail with an electronic copy to wioaplan@illinoisworknet.com.
  3. The one-stop center may file an appeal with the LWIB.
    1. The appeal must include the following information:
      1. A statement that the one-stop operator is appealing the denial or revocation of its center(s) certification;
      2. The reason(s) the certification should be upheld;
      3. Contact information for additional information; and
      4. The signature of the Director or Administrator of the one-stop operator.
    2. The appeal must be submitted in writing and must be sent by mail no later than the twenty-first (21st) day from the date of receipt of the notice of denial or revocation.
    3. The LWIB, or a committee designated by the LWIB (separate from that which provided the initial certification decision), will review the request for appeal. 
      1. If an administrative error was made or if additional information submitted by the one-stop operator changes the basis upon which the original decision to deny or revoke certification was issued, the decision may be reversed, and the center(s) awarded the appropriate certification status. 
      2. If the LWIB reverses its decision, it will notify the one-stop operator of its action in writing and forward an electronic copy to  wioaplan@illinoisworknet.com
    4. If the LWIB does not reverse its decision to deny or revoke certification of a center(s), it shall notify the one-stop operator in writing by mail. 
    5. The notice will include information about the opportunities for the one-stop operator to appeal its denial of certification and forward an electronic copy to wioaplan@illinoisworknet.com.
    6. Once a one-stop operator appeals the denial or revocation of certification to wioaplan@illinoisworknet.com on behalf of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB), the following steps will take place.
      1. The IWIB Certification Team will have thirty (30) days to complete its investigation into the matter, gather additional information from the affected LWIB and operator (such as the completed local appeal), and issue a final determination of certification.
      2. During this time, the IWIB Certification Team will convene a meeting with the affected parties if requested.
      3. This final determination will be forwarded to the one-stop operator and the LWIB in writing.
      4. If the IWIB overturns the decision of the LWIB, the center will be provided certification or provisional certification within seven (7) days.
      5. The IWIB will not make a final decision to overturn the decision of an LWIB without convening a meeting with all the affected parties.