Policy Chapters and Sections

Timeline for One-Stop Certification

Chapter: 1 Section: 8.10
Effective Date: 3/4/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/29/2023 3:44:54 PM
Status: Current
Version: 8

Tags: Governance, One-Stop, LWIBs, IWIB

  1. Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIBs) may begin the process of certifying their one-stop centers while negotiating their memorandum of understanding (MOU).
    1. However, the executed MOU must be in place before local boards can recommend certification.  
  2. In instances where the certification process has been completed, and the LWIB would recommend certification, but the MOU has not been executed, the LWIB should indicate Recommends provisional certification pending successful completion of an MOU in the application.
  3. A suggested sequence of events and timeline to guide the local certification process is provided below.  All applications for certification must be submitted electronically to wioaplan@illinoisworknet.com by 5:00 p.m. on June 30.


    Estimated Completion

    Constitute Local Certification Team(s)

    March 20 – May 15

    Offer training of Local Certification Team members

    March 20 – May 15

    One-stop operator procurement, as applicable

    April 1 – June 15

    Conduct center(s) review

    April 1 – May 31

    One-stop operators complete Application for Certification of One-Stop Centers

    April 7 – June 15

    Team makes certification recommendation to LWIB

    April 7 – June 15

    Address needed improvements, as feasible

    April 15 – June 15

    Reconvene Local Certification Team, if needed

    April 21 – June 15

    Transmit certification recommendation to LWIB

    April 21 – June 15

    LWIB notifies IWIB of certification decision

    June 30

    IWIB sends official designation letter to LWIBs

    July 1 – July 31