Policy Chapters and Sections

Equal Opportunity Officer - Section 38.28 Through 38.33

Chapter: 10 Section: 2
Effective Date: 2/15/2019
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 3/17/2021 11:49:59 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: Disability, EO, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, NDP, NDP

  1. Governor Pritzker was sworn into office on January 14, 2019. Currently, the State Level Equal Opportunity Officer/ Deputy Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity Monitoring and Compliance (EOMC) for WIOA is vacant. An appointment will be made soon to designate this position that will report directly to the Governor pertaining to all WIOA equal opportunity issues. Once the designation is made, DCEO will notify the CRC with a revised Nondiscrimination Plan. In the meantime, DCEO staff remains working on the day to day operations and fulfilling the responsibilities of the Deputy Director of EOMC including, but not limited to:
    1. Providing oversight for all WIOA EO issues on behalf of the Governor and:
      1. Coordinating of State EO responsibilities under WIOA Section 188 and 29 CFR Part 38;
      2. Responsibility for developing, implementing and updating the Nondiscrimination Plan;
      3. Overseeing DCEO's Agency-wide EO Compliance/Education and Training Programs;
      4. Compiling a quarterly report with significant events for the Director;
      5. Providing oversight and responsibility for DCEO's Affirmative Action Program;
      6. Ensuring the uniformity in nondiscriminatory policy of EO requirements for grant recipients;
      7. Training LWIA EO Officers, managers and staff of their roles and responsibilities regarding WIOA equal opportunity policies and procedures;
      8. Providing technical assistance to LWIA EO Officers on analysis and coordinating with general counsel regarding issues such as Federal Civil Rights, investigations, rehabilitation legislation, regulatory law, and federal policies and programs;
      9. Monitoring subrecipients receiving WIOA funds to ensure compliance; and
      10. Implementing corrective actions when there are findings of noncompliance.
  2. EOMC employs full-time staff assigned to conduct WIOA EO investigations, monitoring and compliance activities. This staff trains and monitors statewide grantees associated with DCEO programs to ensure full compliance with all nondiscrimination provisions of Federal and State laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and Executive Orders. Using the monitoring tools and processes described in later detail, the EOMC staff works with recipients to identify problem areas and to develop a plan for corrective action when deficiencies occur. Follow-up visits are scheduled to ensure that the appropriate actions were fulfilled.


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