Policy Chapters and Sections

Affirmative Outreach - Section 38.40

Chapter: 10 Section: 4
Effective Date: 2/15/2019
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 10/19/2020 8:22:32 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: EO, Disability, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, NDP, NDP

  1. Each of the LWIAs hold a strong presence in the communities throughout their region. Statewide, LWIAs currently partner with specialized training providers which include community colleges, universities, intermediate school districts, governmental agencies, for-profit entities, and non-profit organizations. Many of these groups have a physical presence throughout the state. In addition to contracted partners, LWIA staff work with and play an active role on local boards and community groups. These groups include local economic development boards (comprised mainly of local businesses and local education providers), religious groups, various racial and ethnic/national origin community groups, and groups representing individuals with disabilities. Local businesses and community groups also have representation on the Local Workforce Innovation Boards which help form the LWIA's policies and practices.
  2. Each LWIA performs affirmative outreach within their region by advertising information regarding their local programs/opportunities throughout various media sources, sharing information regarding their local programs/opportunities with the numerous institutions mentioned above and by continuously consulting with the local boards and community groups which each LWIA is a part of. Input and feedback received from these partners is used to help improve the programs and services which the LWIAs provide.
  3. Affirmative outreach efforts are discussed and reviewed as part of the annual EO monitoring process at each LWIA. If EOMC determines there is insufficient outreach being performed (either through monitoring or data analysis review), the LWIA is required to complete a corrective action plan detailing how they will improve their efforts to attract the under- represented group(s). DCEO outlined how these efforts are accomplished in outreach and recruitment programs, communication programs, alternate formats, and in monitoring programs mentioned below.


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