Policy Chapters and Sections

One-Stop Center Designation Process

Chapter: 1 Section: 12.1
Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 5/19/2021 9:56:08 AM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: One-Stop, Governance, Services

  1. In Illinois, development of the one-stop system is a collaborative and deliberative data-driven process occurring at the local level as part of regional and local planning.
    1. LWIBs must identify how the one-stop system in their local area will meet the needs of businesses and individuals, including:
      1. How the two types of service sites in Illinois, designated centers (comprehensive, affiliate, and specialized) and access sites, will carry out local planning objectives;   
      2. Which services, programs, and activities will be available locally to meet customer needs; and
      3. The number and location of centers that will operate in the local area.
    2. The decision by the LWIB to designate centers shall occur only after consultation with representatives of the LWIB and CEOs, businesses, representatives of labor organizations, community-based organizations (CBOs), adult education providers, institutions of higher education, representatives of the four agencies, and other stakeholders. 
      1. Factors to consider when determining designation of a site as a center include:
        1. How to best serve job seeker and employer customers based on their location and workforce needs (see the Attachments tab for Data for Consideration in Assessing the Need and Location of One-Stop Centers);
        2. Availability and proximity of existing WIOA programs, services, and activities;
        3. Availability of alternative space and utilization of existing holdings; and
        4. Infrastructure and other costs, and the ability of participating partners to share in those costs.
      2. Potential benefits associated with center designation include:
        1. Providing better access and service to customers, particularly populations with multiple barriers to employment and in-demand careers;
        2. Establishing greater quality control and consistency through the certification process;
        3. Enhanced brand recognition and coordinated marketing associated with Illinois workNet and the AJC network; and
        4. Assisting the LWIB and one-stop partners in negotiating partner service levels and allocation of resources in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
      3. Identification of comprehensive, affiliate, or specialized one-stop centers and access sites must occur through good faith partner negotiations at the local level and incorporated into the MOU.
      4. The obligations of the partner programs are to participate in the operation of the one-stop delivery system and provide access to their programs through the comprehensive one-stop centers.
    3. LWIBs may not require partner programs to participate in affiliate or specialized centers.
      1. Provision of services, programs, and activities, either in-person or through direct linkage, at centers other than comprehensive is a decision of each partner program.
        1. If resources and/or other factors suggest that service provision is not feasible at a center, the LWIB must negotiate with the partners to identify how customers will receive needed services.
      2. Only one-stop partners that participate in the affiliate centers by providing access to programs, services, and activities through a direct linkage or physical presence must contribute to the infrastructure costs for those centers. 
      3. The financial contributions of one-stop partners through a direct linkage will be different than those one-stop partners with a physical presence, regardless of the type of center.
    4. Comprehensive, affiliate, or specialized centers, and all other locations supported solely or in part by federal funding, regardless of designation status, must meet the following conditions:
      1. Be physically and programmatically accessible to all individuals;
      2. Achieve certification at least once every three (3) years for designated Illinois workNet centers only;
      3. Include the program staff’s physical presence and operating budget in the local partner MOU negotiations within the parameters of the federal regulations;
      4. Display appropriate signage identifying the center as part of the Illinois workNet and American Job Center networks; and
      5. Be documented by the LWIB in the MOUs and describe the components of their one-stop delivery system; the process used to designate comprehensive, affiliate, and specialized centers; and the process used to identify access sites.
    5. The Requirements Associated with One-Stop Centers and Access Sites attachment summarizes the requirements associated with the three types of one-stop centers and access sites.  (See the Attachments tab.)

WIOA Section 121 - Establishment of one-stop delivery system

WIOA Section 188 - Administration, Nondiscrimination

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart A - General description of the one-stop delivery system

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart B - One-stop partners and the responsibilities of partners

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart C - Memorandum of understanding for the one-stop delivery system

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart D - One-stop operators

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart E - One-stop operating costs

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart F - One-stop certification

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart G - Common identifier

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart B - Training services

WIOA Section 134 - Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Use of funds

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 16-16, One-Stop Operations Guidance for the American Job Center Network(January18, 2017)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 04-15, Vision for the One-Stop Delivery System under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (August13, 2015)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 17-16, Infrastructure Funding of the One-Stop Delivery System (January18, 2017)

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