Policy Chapters and Sections

Comprehensive Centers

Chapter: 1 Section: 12.2
Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 5/19/2021 10:03:26 AM
Status: Current
Version: 1

Tags: One-Stop, Governance, Services

  1. Each one-stop delivery system must include at least one (1) designated comprehensive center where job seekers and employer customers can access the programs, services, and activities of all required one-stop partners (Section 121(b)(l)(B) of WIOA), along with any additional partners as determined by the LWIB.  Additionally, a comprehensive one-stop center must:
    1. Have at least one (1) WIOA Title I staff person physically present;
    2. Provide the career services listed in 20 CFR 678.430, 34 CFR 361.430, and 34 CFR 463.430;
    3. Provide access to training services described in 20 CFR 680.200;
    4. Provide access to any employment and training activities carried out under Section 134(d) of WIOA;
    5. Provide access to programs and activities carried out by one-stop partners listed in 20 CFR 678.400 through 678.410, 34 CFR 361.400 through 361.410, and 34 CFR 463.400 through 463.410, including the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Services (ES) program; and
    6. Make available workforce and labor market information.
  2. Customers must have access to these programs, services, and activities during regular business days and hours. The LWIB may establish other service days and hours to accommodate individuals unable to access the one-stop center during regular business hours.
  3. One-stop partner programs may deliver career services at a comprehensive one-stop in one (1) of three (3) ways:  
    1. By a program staff member physically present at the one-stop center;
    2. By a staff member from a different partner program physically present and appropriately trained to provide information to customers about the resources available through all partner programs; or
    3. By using technology to provide a direct linkage to a program staff member who can provide meaningful information or services.  The Governor’s Guidelines to State and Local Program Partners Negotiating Costs and Services details Illinois’ requirements concerning direct linkage under WIOA.

WIOA Section 121 - Establishment of one-stop delivery system

WIOA Section 188 - Administration, Nondiscrimination

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart A - General description of the one-stop delivery system

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart B - One-stop partners and the responsibilities of partners

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart C - Memorandum of understanding for the one-stop delivery system

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart D - One-stop operators

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart E - One-stop operating costs

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart F - One-stop certification

WIOA Final Rules, Part 678, Subpart G - Common identifier

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart B - Training services

WIOA Section 134 - Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Use of funds

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 16-16, One-Stop Operations Guidance for the American Job Center Network(January18, 2017)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 04-15, Vision for the One-Stop Delivery System under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (August13, 2015)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 17-16, Infrastructure Funding of the One-Stop Delivery System (January18, 2017)

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