Policy Chapters and Sections

Service Integration

Chapter: 1 Section: 13
Effective Date: 1/1/2019
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/29/2023 2:48:19 PM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: Service Integration, One-Stop, LWIBs, Training, Supportive Services, MOU, Career Services, Governance

  1. The Service Integration policy provides requirements for the Illinois workforce system to achieve a customer-centered service delivery approach that enhances customer experiences. This policy sets forth the vision for what service integration looks like. Each section sets out a vision and specific goals that the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB) expects all partners to work towards. The IWIB understands that not all partners can operate in the same way at all times and that there can be resource challenges. The State expects all partners to work collaboratively towards this policy's goals.
  2. Programs in the workforce system refer to those we serve in various ways, such as clients, participants, students, customers, employers, businesses, etc. For the purpose of this Service Integration Policy, we use the term customer throughout.