Vision for Customer-Centered Design Goal: Workforce partners use the IWIB Equity Lens to center the customers’ needs, goals, and challenges in designing and delivering services. Customers are respected, heard, and responded to.
Outcomes for Customer-Centered Design Goal: Every customer can find efficient and streamlined workforce services that meet their needs, goals, and challenges regardless of their entry point.
Application of the Customer-Centered Design Goal for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
Customer input is collected on an ongoing basis from local users (including One Stop walk-in customers, enrolled participants, and employers) and, at a minimum, evaluated annually by partners.
Customer input gathered from local users is used to evaluate and improve technologies, programs, services, interactions, accessibility, and environments within the local area. Based on customer input, local partners will propose improvements and a timeline for implementation.
The LWIB will set the expectation for the One Stop Operator to manage service integration initiatives in the OSO scope of work. The OSO will report to the LWIB on service integration initiatives, timelines, and progress.
Partner staff will provide system users access to other options for feedback outside of an annual input process and be made aware of complaints procedures and appeal rights. WIOA partners will not retaliate against users who provide negative feedback, complaints, or make appeals.
Partner Staff Goals.
Vision for Partner Staff Goals: All partner staff have up-to-date information and receive ongoing training on available services, customer eligibility, and service integration strategies, and are supported by all partners.
Outcomes for Partner Staff Goals: Partner staff understand the goals of integrated service delivery and reinforce that framework through their daily work activities.
Application of the Partner Staff Goals for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
Cross-training and program information resources addressing the roles, services, performance expectations, and eligibility requirements of all WIOA partner programs are provided for all partner staff, including information and encouragement in acquiring professional credentials.
Communication across partners is consistent, comprehensive, and timely.
All partner staff receives current and relevant professional development to service integration goals.
All partner staff are treated as valued and respected team members.
Intake and Assessment Goals.
Vision for Intake and Assessment Goals: Partners will work to eliminate duplicative processes and increase informed customer choice while protecting confidentiality.
Outcome for Intake and Assessment Goals: Customer needs are promptly, accurately, and thoroughly identified so that partners can respond efficiently and collaboratively.
Application of the Intake and Assessment Goal for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
Customers provide basic information once through a collaborative intake process or information-sharing across programs.
During intake, customers are provided an overview of partner services, eligibility, and suitability requirements by appropriate partner staff.
An open dialogue during intake and a comprehensive assessment(s) between partner staff and customers leads to informed choice and becomes the foundation of a service plan.
If partners use different assessments for the same purpose, they must designate a single assessment to the extent possible.
Partners inform and support customers throughout the process to secure the documents and verification needed for program participation.
Partners will review and apply asset-based and barrier-reduction practices to intake and assessment processes while using best practices to protect customer confidentiality and reduce stigmas of accessing public services.
Service Goals.
Vision for Service Goals: The partners meet jobseekers’ employment, education, and training needs through communication, assessments, referrals, and resources that occur through relationships with frontline staff.
Outcomes for Service Goals: The outcome of these goals is that all customers have access to quality integrated services that meet their needs efficiently and seamlessly. Frontline staff are empowered to meet service integration goals and have the support they need to meet these goals through ongoing professional development and training.
Application of the Service Goals for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
WIOA partners support service integration by identifying and empowering a leader from each title who will engage in ongoing communication and relationship building.
WIOA partners must be familiar with WIOA eligibility and suitability and are responsible for ensuring appropriate referrals and referral outcomes, working effectively to leverage partner resources for the benefit of customers, including training and directing applicable staff.
Consider the customer’s experience and the processes involved during service delivery, such as referrals and their outcomes. Necessary assessments should be reviewed, streamlined, and coordinated through continuous collaboration with partners. Collaboration among partners should ensure the alignment of these assessments.
Individual service plans and goal statements are used to provide and coordinate services and guide follow-up. These plans are continuously updated to respond to changing customer needs and evaluated for referral opportunities on an ongoing basis.
Customers receive timely and coordinated access to all WIOA employer and job seeker services, whether on-site, through technology, at a partner site, or by other appropriate and accessible community services.
Career Pathways Goal.
Vision for Career Pathways Goals: Integrated services are shaped through the lens of career pathways defined by the State.
Outcomes for Career Pathways Goals: A shared philosophy among education, workforce development, employers, and economic development regarding college and career pathways aims to enable Illinois residents to progressively build toward college and career success through aligned education and training, which may include stackable credentials leading to sustainable employment opportunities.
Application of the Career Pathways Goals for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
The workforce development system will create strong partnerships with community programs to streamline services and provide funding for the wrap-around support needed for career pathways.
Service integration will seek employer input to ensure that pathways investments align with the needs of employers and prioritize career pathways that align with future employer demands.
Current and timely labor market information informs career planning and sector-based initiatives.
Information Goals.
Vision for Information Goals: Partners continually use a range of information gathered to make informed decisions and improve integrated services to provide excellent customer service.
Outcome for Information Goals: Decisions are made utilizing all available information and data collected, including but not limited to customer feedback, labor market research, program performance, and evaluations.
Application of the Information Goals for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
All partners will share information on a continual basis.
All partners share national and state policies, procedures, and guidance with each other and use this information to make local decisions.
The design and delivery of workforce services are guided by current and timely labor market information.
One-Stop Operators will facilitate ongoing, consistent communication among local partners.
Customer information will be shared, as appropriate and feasible, with all partner programs and services following confidentiality requirements.
Partners will inform customers of their Appeal Rights.
Evaluation Goal.
Vision for Evaluation Goal: State and local workforce board expectations drive the evaluation of one-stop performance, operations, and compliance for service integration.
Outcome of Evaluation Goals: The outcome of this goal is that Partners evaluate local service integration efforts regularly to identify and implement continuous improvement opportunities.
Application of the Evaluation Goals for all Stakeholders, such as State and Local Partners, Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIB), and One-Stop Operators (OSO) as applicable:
Partners must create and use customer satisfaction tools, analyzing the feedback on a continual basis.
Partners must conduct an evaluation using The IWIB Evaluation Toolkit to assess local service integration efforts and create evidence-based policymaking and system design.