Policy Chapters and Sections

Governor’s Guidelines Scope

Chapter: 1 Section: 9.3
Effective Date: 1/10/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 11/16/2023 3:04:55 PM
Status: Current
Version: 2

Tags: MOU, WIA/WIOA Transition/Implementation, Governance

  1. These guidelines:
    1. Provide guidance and requirements for negotiating local memoranda of understandings (MOUs) that are required of each local workforce innovation area (LWIA) to support the operation of a local one-stop delivery system;
    2. Provide guidance related to negotiating annual one-stop operating budgets, including infrastructure costs and other agreed-upon local service delivery system costs;
    3. Prescribe timelines for major steps in the negotiation processes, for both MOUs and annual one-stop operating budgets;
    4. Provide guidance on other requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA); and
    5. Provide resources to support required partners in negotiations.