Policy Chapters and Sections

Required Follow-Up for Youth Program

Chapter: 4 Section: 3.2
Effective Date: 6/18/2020
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 6/30/2023 8:02:37 PM
Status: Current
Version: 4

Tags: Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Adult, Career Services, Dislocated Worker, Exit, Youth, Supportive Services, Follow-Up, One-Stop

  1. For youth, follow-up services are critical services provided following a participant’s exit from the program to help ensure their success in employment and/or postsecondary education and training.
  2. The goal of follow-up services for youth is to enable participants to continue life-long learning and achieve a level of self-sufficiency to ensure job retention, wage gains, and postsecondary education and training progress. 
  3. Follow-up services must be made available to all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) youth for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the date of program exit.
  4. The date of program exit:
    1. Cannot be determined until ninety (90) consecutive days have lapsed since the last qualifying participant-level service;
    2. Is set retroactively back to the date of the last enrolling/qualifying service; and
    3. Is further outlined in the General Requirements for Program Exit section of the policy manual.
  5. Follow-up services do not change or delay exit as they can only occur after program exit in the Title I Youth program.
  6. Follow-up must include more than contact or attempted contact and follow-up activities must be provided. 
  7. Follow-up services for youth may include, but are not limited to, the following program elements:
    1. Supportive services, if funding is available and the need for supportive services are supported in the Individual Service Strategy (ISS);
    2. Adult mentoring;
    3. Financial literacy education;
    4. Services that provide labor market and employment information (LMI) about in-demand industry sectors or occupations available in the local area, such as career awareness, career counseling, and career exploration services;
    5. Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training; and
    6. Other services necessary to ensure the success of the youth in employment and/or postsecondary education.
  8. The documentation addressing the need and type of the activities provided in follow-up must be added to the ISS since that is a non-enrolling service and will not alter the true last day of services and, therefore, the exit date.
    1. Case notes in the ISS must provide documentation of the need for youth to be provided an allowable youth program element (i.e., supportive services) as part of follow-up services. 
  9. However, the Final Regulations at Section 681.580 allow for youth to decline follow-up services altogether. 
    1. There are two (2) options for youth who are not responsive to attempted contacts for follow-up and those youth who cannot be located making it impossible to provide follow-up services during the twelve (12)-month follow-up period.
      1. Unable to Locate (Youth Only).  The career planner has determined that in the event a youth participant cannot be located, the case notes should record all efforts that were taken to locate the individual.  These same methods must be periodically utilized through at least the first two (2) quarters following exit.
      2. Opting Out (Youth Only).  Youth in the twelve (12)-month follow-up period may request to opt out of follow-up services at any time.  The request to opt-out or discontinue follow-up services must be clearly documented in the case notes.  Career planners should not encourage youth to opt out of these services.
    2. In instances where well-documented case notes that the youth opted out or were not responsive to follow-up, career planners may wish to reach out to employers to confirm employment and wages.  It is especially important for those individuals who work for an employer who does not pay into the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).
    3. If the youth is participating in post-exit education or training, the career planner may wish to contact the educational institution.
    4. Neither are allowable follow-up activities, but they will provide meaningful information for the Youth program and could assist in identifying a positive performance outcome. 
    5. While it can be documented in a case note, it cannot be recorded as a follow-up service in the appropriate case management system. 
  10. When reaching out to an exited youth to secure documentation for reporting, a performance outcome does not constitute an allowable follow-up activity. 
    1. Although this is an acceptable follow-up activity allowed under the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs, it is not for the Youth program. 
    2. Although contacting an individual to secure documentation to report a performance outcome does not constitute a follow-up service, it can be used in conjunction with other follow-up activities.
  11. Upon completing all follow-up services, the activity must be closed, and the end date populated in the appropriate case management system.
  12. Local programs must have policies to establish when a youth participant cannot be located or contacted.

WIOA Section 129 - Use of funds for youth workforce investment activities

WIOA Section 134 - Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Use of funds

WIOA Final Rules, Part 681, Subpart C - Youth program design, elements, and parameters

WIOA Final Rules, Part 680, Subpart A - Delivery of Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 21-16, Third Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Youth Formula Program Guidance (March 2, 2017)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 19-16, Guidance on Services provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES), as amended by title III of WIOA, and for Implementation of the WIOA Final Rules (March 01, 2017)

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 10-16 Change 3, Performance Accountability Guidance for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Core Programs (June 11, 2024)

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