Account Executives

Health Science > Account Executives > Working Conditions
Account Executives

Account Executives - Working Conditions

In a typical work setting, advertising managers:

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Have a high level of social interaction. They constantly work with coworkers and clients.
  • Are greatly responsible for the results of work done by others. This is because they select teams of people to work together.
  • Communicate daily with coworkers and clients in person and by phone.
  • Are responsible for the health and safety of the people they supervise.
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  • Must work well on teams. This is extremely important because advertising projects involve many departments and people.
  • Are sometimes placed in conflict situations with coworkers.
  • Communicate often using e-mail.

Physical Work Conditions

  • Usually work indoors.
  • Often travel away from the office to meet clients and for off-site media shoots.

Work Performance

  • Must be sure all details of the job are done and their work is exact. Errors could have serious financial effects if the company lost accounts or profits.
  • Make decisions that have major effects on their clients. Their advertising plan will either help or hinder the sale of a company's product.
  • Have a large amount of freedom to set priorities and goals for themselves and others without consulting a supervisor. This is because they are in a top management position.
  • Work in a highly competitive environment. They are competing against other advertising firms for business. Bonuses and promotions are often based on the success of the manager's department.
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  • Have daily deadlines that must be met between advertising departments and for their clients.


  • Have a regular work schedule most of the time.
  • Work more than 40 hours a week. Extra hours can include evenings and weekends to meet goals and deadlines.
  • May travel often to meet with clients or media representatives.
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.