Account Executives

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Account Executives

Account Executives - Wages & Trends

Wages vary depending on the manager's level of responsibility, length of service, and education. Wages also vary by the size of the firm and the type of industry. Many managers earn bonuses equal to ten percent or more of their salaries.

Benefits also vary by employer. Most advertising managers receive benefits such as vacation, sick leave, and health insurance. S

Advertising and promotions managers (SOC 11-2011)
Pay Period
Illinois Hourly $25.53 $52.73 $71.01
Yearly $53,109 $109,661 $147,703
    Cook County Hourly $40.66 $52.84 $68.04
Yearly $84,581 $109,908 $141,529
    Du Page County Hourly $25.53 $47.50 $65.90
Yearly $53,109 $98,805 $137,078
    Lake County Hourly $59.94 $104.64 $106.00
Yearly $124,663 $217,665 $220,475
    Will County Hourly $25.53 $25.53 $65.81
Yearly $53,108 $53,109 $136,891
United States Hourly $42.70 $63.40 $90.64
Yearly $88,810 $131,870 $188,530

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.