In a typical work setting, dental assistants:
Interpersonal Relationships
- Have a high level of social interaction with patients, dentists, and office staff.
- Are greatly responsible for the health and safety of dental patients.
- Often deal with patients that are unpleasant, angry, or discourteous.
- Are responsible for the work outcomes of others.
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- Work as part of a team.
- Communicate with others in person, by telephone, and by e-mail every day.
Physical Work Conditions
- Always work indoors.
- Wear protective clothing daily such as masks, safety glasses, and rubber gloves.
- Are often exposed to diseases, infections, and contaminants when working with patients or preparing filling material.
- Are sometimes exposed to radiation when x-raying teeth. However, dental assistants wear protective gear when operating x-ray equipment.
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- Work very closely with other people and have little space between themself and others.
- Are occasionally exposed to noises that are uncomfortable, such as dental drills.
Work Performance
- Must be very exact and accurate in their work and be sure all details are done. Errors could endanger patients' health.
- Repeat the same tasks each day, such as handling instruments and operating x-ray equipment.
- Often make decisions that affect other people.
- Can set most tasks and goals without talking to a supervisor.
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- Work in a somewhat competitive environment and meet weekly and daily deadlines.
- Make most decisions without talking to a supervisor.
- May work part time or full time. Less than 40 hours a week is more common.
- Work a regular, set schedule each week.
- May work evenings or Saturdays at offices that keep longer hours.