Medical Equipment Repairers

Health Science > Medical Equipment Repairers > Preparation
Medical Equipment Repairers

Medical Equipment Repairers - Preparation

To work as a medical equipment repairer, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • have an associate degree; and
  • complete moderate-term, on-the-job training.

Education after high school

Most medical equipment repairers complete formal training programs. Common areas of study are electronics or medical technology. Professional-technical schools and two-year colleges offer these programs. You earn either a certificate or an associate degree. In these programs you learn how to use hand tools and test electronic equipment.

Repairers who fix more complicated equipment, such as CAT scanners, may need a bachelor's degree.

On-the-job training

Medical equipment repairers learn additional skills on the job from an experienced worker. You begin by observing and helping other workers. You usually learn one piece of equipment at a time. On-the-job training may last for three to six months.

Manufacturers also offer training sessions. Repairers attend these sessions to learn about new equipment.

Military training

Some branches of the military train people to be electrical products repairers or precision instrument repairers. The skills you learn in these occupations would transfer to being a medical equipment repairer. Training for these military occupations lasts four to 34 weeks, depending on your specialty. Additional training occurs on the job.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.