To work as a payroll and timekeeping clerk, you typically need to:
- have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
- complete moderate-term, on-the-job training.
Education after high school
No formal training is required beyond high school. However, payroll and timekeeping clerks can gain skills through formal training programs. High schools, business schools, and community colleges all offer business education programs. In these programs you study word processing, business communications, records management, and office procedures. Learning spreadsheet software is also very helpful.
You should be familiar with hiring and promotion practices and benefits packages. In addition, you should be familiar with the procedures for tax withholding.
On-the-job training
New clerks usually spend up to one year in training. You will learn about personnel issues, work place practices, and company policies. If you do not have college-level training directly related to personnel work, you will spend more time in training.
Military training
Some branches of the military train people to be finance and accounting specialists. Training lasts from six to 12 weeks, depending on your specialty. Additional training occurs on the job.