In a typical work setting, pest control workers:
Interpersonal Relationships
- Communicate with others by telephone and in person.
- Have a high level of social contact.
- Are responsible for the health and safety of others.
- Are somewhat responsible for the work done by other workers.
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- May deal with customers who might be unpleasant or angry.
- May work as part of a team.
Physical Work Conditions
- Often work indoors, but sometimes work outdoors. It may not always be temperature controlled indoors, such as when working in a garage or shed.
- Travel to and from work sites in a truck or van.
- Are often exposed to contaminants, such as pesticides and poisonous gases.
- Are sometimes exposed to hazardous conditions. There is only a low likelihood of slight injury from this exposure if safety precautions are followed.
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- Sometimes wear specialized safety attire, such as respirators, gloves, and goggles.
- Are sometimes exposed to hazardous situations that produce cuts, bites, or stings. There is only a low likelihood of slight injury from this exposure.
Work Performance
- Must be sure that all details are done and their work is exact. Errors could expose people, pets, or the environment to harmful chemicals.
- Regularly make decisions that affect clients and their company's reputation. They act independently, without talking to a supervisor first.
- Set most of their daily tasks and goals independently.
- Must meet strict daily deadlines.
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- Work in a competitive atmosphere where different companies compete for business.
- May work part time or full time. Most work full time.
- May work overtime during busy seasons.
- May work evenings and weekends to meet with customers.
- Travel to visit customers.