Communications Specialists

Health Science > Communications Specialists > Overview
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Communications Specialists

Communications Specialists - Overview

Public relations (PR) specialists create and maintain a positive public reputation for individuals, groups, and organizations.

Publication relations specialists communicate with the public, investors, and reporters on behalf of who they represent. They write press releases for announcements on social media or television. They also usually respond to comments and questions on social media.

Publication relations specialists help develop programs to shape public perception of their clients. They also develop ways to increase awareness of the products and services their clients may offer. They may organize fundraising events, speaking engagements, or trade shows.

Within an organization, public relations specialists prepare and write internal newsletters. They write and edit annual reports to inform shareholders about the health of the company.

Some public relations specialists work for the government and may be called press secretaries. They keep the public informed about the activities of government officials and agencies.


Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.