Receiving Clerks

Health Science > Receiving Clerks > Working Conditions
Receiving Clerks

Receiving Clerks - Working Conditions

In a typical work setting, shipping and receiving clerks:

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Have a high level of social contact. They interact with coworkers and contacts in other organizations.
  • Are responsible for work outcomes.
  • Are very responsible for coworkers' health and safety.
  • Sometimes deal with unpleasant, angry, or discourteous contacts in other organizations, usually in conflict situations.
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  • Communicate with coworkers and contacts in other organizations by telephone or in person daily.
  • Often use e-mail to communicate with coworkers and contacts in other organizations. Occasionally write letters and memos.
  • Work in a group or as part of a team and coordinate work activities.

Physical Work Conditions

  • Work indoors most of the time. May work in cold storage rooms or outside on loading platforms on occasion.
  • Are sometimes exposed to loud sounds and distracting noises.
  • Are occasionally exposed to contaminants. Wear protective safety attire in these situations.
  • Work near other people, but usually have a few feet of space separating them from others.

Work Performance

  • Must be exact in their work. Errors could cost the company money.
  • Repeat the same physical activities, such as moving or lifting materials.
  • Make decisions on a weekly basis that affect company money. They consult supervisors for some decisions, but make most without talking to a supervisor.
  • Must meet strict deadlines on a daily basis.
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  • Are able to set some tasks for the day without consulting a supervisor.


  • Generally have a set schedule each week.
  • Usually work 40 hours a week.
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.