Lawnmower Repairers

Manufacturing > Lawnmower Repairers > Overview
Lawnmower Repairers

Lawnmower Repairers - Overview

Small engine mechanics service and repair outdoor power equipment.

Small engine mechanics work on items such as:

  • Lawnmowers
  • Chain saws
  • Garden tractors
  • Portable generators

Mechanics maintain small engines by inspecting, cleaning, and adjusting them. They replace worn or broken parts, such as spark plugs, valves, and carburetors.

When engines break down, mechanics talk to customers to figure out the problem. They may test engines or the quality of parts by using computers.

Once they locate the problem, mechanics either repair or install new parts. Repair work may include tuning ignition systems, honing cylinders, and installing new bearings. Small engine mechanics follow service manual directions to repair engines. They use tools such as lathes, boring machines, or grinders.

Once they have made the repairs, mechanics put the engines back in the equipment and test it to be sure it is running properly. Mechanics record what repairs they made and how much time they spent.

Small engine mechanics may work on only one type of engine, such as chain saws. Some mechanics work for dealers and repair only the product they sell.

Many mechanics sell parts and equipment. They also help customers learn how to maintain their equipment.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.