Automobile Mechanics

Health Science > Automobile Mechanics > Overview
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Automobile Mechanics

Automobile Mechanics - Overview

Automobile mechanics inspect, maintain, and repair cars and light trucks.

Automobile mechanics examine belts, hoses, plugs, brakes, and fuel systems. They may install or repair accessories, such as windshield wipers. They inspect and lubricate engines and parts.

Automobile mechanics talk to owners to find out what problems the car is having. They also test drive cars to observe their performance. They use a variety of testing equipment, such as hand-held diagnostic computers and compression gauges.

Once the problem is identified, mechanics make adjustments or repairs. Sometimes they replace or rebuild damaged parts. For large repairs, mechanics estimate the cost and get the customer's approval before doing any work.

Automobile mechanics use a variety of tools, including power tools, machine tools, and hand tools. Many mechanics own their own tools and have personalized tool collections.

Automobile mechanics are also called service technicians. Those in small shops must know about all areas of car repair. Those who work in large shops may specialize in one or more areas. Some example of specialized service technicians are:

  • Automotive air-conditioning technicians
  • Brake technicians
  • Drivability technicians
  • Front-end technicians
  • Trasmission technicians
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.