Audio Engineers

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications > Audio Engineers > Overview
Audio Engineers

Audio Engineers - Overview

Broadcast technicians record or broadcast radio and television programs.

Most broadcast technicians work for radio and TV studios. They are in charge of equipment used to record and broadcast radio and television shows. This equipment includes:

  • Microphones
  • Cameras
  • Tape recorders
  • Special effects mixers

Technicians install, set up, test, and operate this equipment. When broadcasting shows, they operate equipment that controls the quality of the sound and picture. On news programs, technicians operate controls that shift from studio to on-the-scene reporting. They switch between local and satellite sources to blend national and local coverage of a story. Before broadcasting a scheduled program, technicians ensure that signals work properly.

Technicians decide what equipment to use to record programs. They review the script so they know when to switch cameras and other equipment. They also insert commercial breaks. 

Some broadcast technicians work for news shows and drive vans to the location of the news event. They talk to reporters and camera operators to determine how to set up the equipment. They set up equipment to record and transmit clear signals back to the studio. They also use computer programs to edit audio and video recordings.

In large stations, technicians may specialize in:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Maintenance and repair
  • Broadcasting signals

In small stations, broadcast technicians perform various duties. Experienced technicians may teach trainees how to use equipment.

Broadcast technicians maintain a log of all programs aired or recorded. They review the log before broadcasting begins. Technicians file the log with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Some technicians schedule shows. They may also write reports for station officials describing past and future broadcasts.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.