Information Security Analysts

Information Technology > Information Security Analysts > Overview
Information Security Analysts

Information Security Analysts - Overview

Information security analysts set up plans to protect companies' information and technology from outsiders.

Information security analysts work with companies to build secure computer systems. They question managers and staff about their current security methods. They find out what information the company wants to protect. They determine what information employees should be able to access.

Analysts install software that protects the information. They may also make changes to existing software. They test the system once changes are made to make sure it works. They train staff on how to use security software and properly use computers to prevent security problems.

Analysts may build firewalls if the data are available to people over the Internet. These electronic walls keep people outside of an organization from accessing the protected information. They may encrypt information so that it remains confidential. They monitor virus software and update it regularly.

Information security analysts write rules and procedures for employees to follow once the security system is in place. Each part of the security plan must be followed for it to be effective. Analysts in some companies coordinate security for vendors and customers in addition to employees.

Analysts may also be responsible for physically locking down the hardware. They may buy equipment to secure servers, monitors, and hard drives so they cannot be removed from buildings. Larger companies may purchase metal detectors or video cameras as part of their security plan.

Information security analysts monitor data logs that report all the activity on a system. They look for any strange activity in the records. Some programs alert employees when there is a problem. Analysts evaluate security breaks and determine if there are problems or errors. If there is a problem, analysts track where the break came from and shut off the access point.

Some analysts work for temporary agencies that contract their services to different companies.


Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.