Cable Television Installers

Health Science > Cable Television Installers > Overview
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Cable Television Installers

Cable Television Installers - Overview

Line installers and repairers construct and maintain networks of wires and cables.

Line installers install new wires and cables. Line repairers fix downed wires and cables to restore power. Repair and installation work may require splicing, or joining, separate pieces of cable.

Line installers and repairers must remain aware of potential danger around their work site. They work around trees, electrical lines, and other hazardous conditions. They closely follow safety procedures to reduce the chance of injuries.

Line installers

Line installers construct poles, towers, and underground trenches to carry the wires and cables. They follow safety procedures by setting up barriers around their work area. They use a variety of construction equipment to erect utility poles. They also use trenchers and cable plows to cut openings in the ground for underground cables.

When these structures are completed, line installers string cable along them. For electrical power lines, installers bolt or clamp insulators onto the poles before attaching the cable. They use tools such as insulating sticks, compression tools, and safety hooks. Installers lay underground cable directly in the trench, or string it through pipes to protect it.

Line installers also set up service for customers. To do this, they string a piece of cable between the customer's building and the lines running on poles, towers, or in trenches. They string wire in houses, and check that the signals are strong. Line installers may also install a variety of network equipment to maintain the strength of transmissions. In addition, they install transformers, circuit breakers, and switches to control and direct the electrical current.

Line repairers

Line repairers maintain wires and cables. They travel in trucks, helicopters, or planes to inspect them. When line repairers identify a problem, they repair or replace defective equipment. Bad weather and other events can cause extensive damage to networks. Line repairers must respond quickly to these emergencies to restore service. They often use grounding devices so that they can make necessary changes.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.