Makeup Artists

Human Services > Makeup Artists > Overview
Makeup Artists

Makeup Artists - Overview

Professional makeup artists prepare actors for performances on stage or in front of cameras.

 Professional makeup artists work on all kinds of projects for:

  • Film
  • Live theater
  • Television

Makeup artists read the script to learn details about the production. They consider the age of the characters, the setting, and the time period of the production to determine how actors' and actresses' hair and makeup should appear. Lighting is also important when deciding what makeup to use.

Makeup artists research the hair and makeup styles of specific time periods. They draw sketches or collect photos to show the styles they have in mind. They also consult with directors and technicians about their ideas and designs at various stages of the process.

Makeup artists collect tools for their makeup kit, including:

  • Brushes
  • Grease paints
  • Powders
  • Rubber glues

Makeup artists apply foundations and makeup before performances or filming to create the effect they want. They style hair and attach wigs and prostheses. Some makeup artists do special effects, such as wounds for horror or action movies. Application of makeup can take several hours for one performer alone.

Sometimes makeup artists make prosthetic devices. These items are used to change the appearance of performers. They might create a beard for an actor, or fleshy face parts to make him look older. They also create or purchase hairpieces, wigs, and beards.

Makeup artists remain backstage during a performance or filming to monitor the production. They maintain actors' makeup throughout the show or filming and do touchups if needed. They help actors remove the makeup at the end of the show or workday.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.