Makeup Artists

Human Services > Makeup Artists > Preparation
Makeup Artists

Makeup Artists - Preparation

To work as a professional makeup artist, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
  • complete a formal training program.

Education after high school

Most makeup artists complete a formal training program in cosmetology. Professional-technical schools and two-year colleges offer these programs. Some makeup artists receive their training from professional programs designed specifically for the film industry.

Some makeup artists earn a bachelor's or master's degree in theater, art, film history, or a related subject. You should take makeup, drawing, painting, and drama courses in college. You should consider taking anatomy, chemistry, and photography courses.

Work experience

It is very helpful to have experience working in the theater or on the production of films. Assisting with makeup for school plays, community theater, and movies created by students is a great way to gain experience. Contact your state's film commission and try to get involved in film productions in your area. You may need to start as a volunteer.

On-the-job training

Some makeup artists learn their skills on the job from experienced makeup artists. The length of training varies by your skills and the artist you work with. You will need several months to get a good foundation in this area.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.