Statistical Assistants

Business Management and Administration > Statistical Assistants > Overview
Statistical Assistants

Statistical Assistants - Overview

Statistical clerks gather information and analyze it using statistics.

Clerks use several methods to gather information. One method is to interview people and keep track of their responses. Another way is to send out surveys, which are lists of questions.

When the surveys are returned, clerks check them to make sure all the questions were answered. For some surveys, people mark their answers on bubble sheets. They also check that responses are filled out correctly. Clerks set aside surveys that have too many errors. When they are satisfied with the sheets, clerks feed them through scanners that read the responses and store them in a format computers can read.

On some surveys, people write answers to questions or circle their responses. For these surveys, clerks must enter the responses into the computer. The data may need to be given special codes before they are entered.

After all the responses are entered, clerks analyze them. Clerks must know which statistical tests to run on the information. Almost all statistical clerks use computers and special programs to collect and analyze data. Clerks may create tables or graphs that show the results of the tests. They may also write reports that interpret the findings.

Clerks organize all the survey forms and reports. They file the information and keep the filing system up to date.

Some statistical clerks collect data on the effectiveness of advertising. Medical records clerks compile data to be used in reports that highlight research findings. Chart calculators collect data for power companies.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.