Custom Sewers

Manufacturing > Custom Sewers > Working Conditions
Custom Sewers

Custom Sewers - Working Conditions

In a typical work setting, tailors:

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Have a medium level of social contact. Custom tailors work closely with customers, however, they spend most of their day working with machines and materials.
  • Usually talk to others in person or over the telephone. Occasionally write e-mails, letters and memos,
  • Are responsible for the work done by assistants.
  • May on occasion be placed in conflict situations in which customers may become rude or angry.
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  • Work as part of a team.

Physical Work Conditions

  • Always work indoors.
  • Occasionally come into physical contact with customers.

Work Performance

  • Must be very exact in their work and be sure all details are done. Errors could result in dissatisfied customers.
  • Repeat the same physical activities.
  • Make decisions on a daily basis that affect the fit and appearance of their customer's clothes. They usually don't consult a supervisor before making decisions.
  • Usually set their daily tasks and goals independently.
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  • Work in a moderately competitive atmosphere where daily deadlines must be met.


  • May work part time or full time.
  • May have flexible hours, especially if they are self-employed.
Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.