Title Examiners and Searchers

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Title Examiners and Searchers

Title Examiners and Searchers - Overview

Title examiners and searchers review records to verify the legal status of land.

Title examiners and searchers usually work for title insurance or real estate companies. Their job is to search records and examine documents to determine if land can be sold. Title searchers do much of the searching through records. Title examiners analyze the records and determine the legal status of the land. The end result of their work is to issue insurance policies that guarantee a clear title. A clear title means there are no legal problems with the land.

Title searchers and examiners share many of the same duties, but there are some differences.

Title searchers

Title searchers receive search requests that tell them what type of title evidence to look for. They compare the legal description of the property with the one found in records. This verifies ownership. Next, searchers get maps of the land from surveyors' or tax assessors' offices. They search lot books and tax assessors' rolls to compile a list of sales. They also examine the title to determine if there are restrictions that limit its use. If so, they list these restrictions and the actions needed to clear them.

Searchers may talk to realtors, banks, buyers or sellers, or courthouse staff to get more information. Title companies may have done previous searches on the same property in the past. If so, searchers retrieve this information from the company's computer files.

Title searchers prepare a title commitment based on the information found in the title search. In some cases they may prepare the policy.

Title examiners

Title examiners may direct the work of other examiners and searchers.

Examiners also summarize the information in deeds, contracts, and other documents. They analyze all the documents and maps to verify facts about the land's legal status. They also search records to determine if any taxes are due. Next, they prepare a report of claims on the title and the actions required to clear them.

Title examiners may meet with people who have an interest in the land. In these meetings they may resolve problems or give information. Examiners also prepare records and letters.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.