Traffic Analysts

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics > Traffic Analysts > Overview
Traffic Analysts

Traffic Analysts - Overview

Traffic technicians gather and analyze information about traffic conditions.

Traffic technicians work with traffic engineers to create safe roads. They gather and analyze information about traffic conditions. They study accident-prone areas and attempt to determine what makes them dangerous.

To learn more about traffic patterns, technicians set up counters to find out how many vehicles use the road or intersection during the day. They may use radar to learn how fast cars travel at a site. They occasionally videotape intersections to learn how many drivers go through red lights. They observe the site at different times of the day. They time the delay at traffic signals.

Technicians gather information from people who have been in accidents at specific intersections. They find out how the accident occurred.

Traffic technicians analyze data they gather. They find sites that have a similar design, but low accident rates. They evaluate the similarities and differences between the sites. They make decisions about what changes could be made to improve the area.

Technicians write up their recommendations and include the traffic statistics they gathered. They may suggest changing:

  • Traffic signal timing
  • Speed limits
  • Traffic patterns

Traffic technicians in larger cities work in traffic control centers. They improve highways for commuters and for moving products to market. Technicians in rural areas may work to create safety corridors or reduce speed limits in areas where there are high risk factors. All traffic technicians work closely with traffic engineers who supervise their work.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.