Animal Doctors

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources > Animal Doctors > Overview
Animal Doctors

Animal Doctors - Overview

Veterinarians treat animal health problems. They work to prevent, control, and cure animal diseases.

Veterinarians examine animals and ask owners questions. They give animals shots to protect them against diseases such as distemper and rabies. Veterinarians talk to owners about the care and feeding of their animals. They keep detailed records of animals and their treatments.

Veterinarians perform lab tests and exams of sick animals. They explain test results and review treatment options with animal owners. If more than one treatment is available, veterinarians help owners decide which option to choose. They often prescribe medicines for animals that are ill. Veterinarians stay in contact with animal owners to monitor the condition of animals and make changes in the treatment.

Sometimes veterinarians operate on animals. They may also treat injuries such as wounds and broken bones. Occasionally, veterinarians euthanize animals that are seriously ill or injured.

Many veterinarians work with pets, such as dogs, cats, ferrets, and lizards. Some work with pigs, goats, horses, and other livestock. In addition to taking care of the health of these animals, veterinarians may offer owners advice about animal breeding.

Some veterinarians specialize in animal:

  • Dentistry
  • Surgery
  • Eye care
  • Skin care

Veterinarians assign tasks to technicians. They consult with other animal care professionals. In private practice, veterinarians may oversee the business aspects of running an office. For example, they hire and train new employees, keep track of supplies, and pay employees.

Veterinarians may do research to prevent diseases in humans and animals. Some veterinarians are meat inspectors at food processing plants. Others work in wildlife management. Some veterinarians teach in universities and colleges. A few veterinarians care for animals in zoos, aquariums, or labs. They share information with people at other zoos and aquariums to keep records of all kinds of animals.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.