Compensation Specialists

Business Management and Administration > Compensation Specialists > Overview
Compensation Specialists

Compensation Specialists - Overview

Job benefits and analysis specialists study and plan employee benefits and job descriptions.

Many companies employ job benefits and analysis specialists to run their employee benefits programs. Their tasks may include:

  • Keeping benefit costs low
  • Finding efficient benefit programs
  • Checking company contracts
  • Following benefit program laws

Specialists often work with insurance companies and retirement plans to set up programs for their employer. They often talk with human resources managers and directors about their recommendations. In addition, specialists help analyze and negotiate agreements between employers and unions. They may also help settle disagreements between individual employees and the employer.

Specialists in employee benefits administer several kinds of plans. Some specialize in one area, while many specialists oversee several plans. Specialists may focus on employee:

  • Mental health and wellness
  • Pay
  • Medical, dental, and vision insurance
  • Retirement and investing plans
  • Training

Specialists read the latest research in employee benefits. They make sure companies are up to date with any legal requirements and recommend ways to keep employees safe and productive.

Job benefits and analysis specialists often study how individual jobs are set up. They look at how a job is classified. They find the answers to questions, such as should an employee in this job be paid hourly or by salary? How should a person in this job be promoted or given a raise? How much should they be paid?

Specialists also develop training programs and workshops. They may also write or edit employee manuals and handbooks.

Records and files are important in employee benefits. Job benefits and analysis specialists keep records for each employee. They also keep records of all insurance programs. In addition, specialists often write reports that summarize the latest changes in a company's employee benefits program.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.