Financial Examiners

Finance > Financial Examiners > Preparation
Financial Examiners

Financial Examiners - Preparation

To work as a financial examiner, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma;
  • have a bachelor's degree; and
  • complete long-term, on-the-job training.

Education after high school

You need a bachelor's degree to work as a financial examiner. Many have a master's degree or higher. College majors that are best for this work are accounting, finance, and economics. Math and statistics are also excellent majors.

Success in this field usually depends on taking numerous continuing education courses and passing at least two exams. The exams cover several topics, including insurance, property, and liability. They are administered by the Society of Financial Examiners.

Work experience

While in college, you can gain experience through summer or part-time internship programs.

People seeking to become financial examiners often need at least two years of work-related experience to begin taking financial examiner exams.

On-the-job training

After college, you work on routine tasks and are supervised by experienced financial examiners. As you gain experience, you are given more difficult tasks and more responsibility. Training typically lasts more than a year.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.