Wind Turbine Technicians

Manufacturing > Wind Turbine Technicians > Preparation
Wind Turbine Technicians

Wind Turbine Technicians - Preparation

To work as a wind turbine technician, you typically need to:

  • have a high school diploma or equivalent;
  • complete a formal training program; and
  • complete long-term, on-the-job training.

Education after high school

Most wind turbine technicians earn a certificate in wind energy technology at technical schools or community colleges. In this program you learn about electrical and hydraulic maintenance, braking and mechanical systems, computers and control systems, and safety and first aid.

A small number of wind energy education and training programs are offered in the United States. Be careful when enrolling in programs in this area. Because this is an emerging area of study, the industry does not yet have training requirements. As a result, the quality and depth of information provided by programs vary widely. You should investigate the schools you are interested in.

Work experience

Wind farming is an emerging industry so there is currently no US accepted standard for wind turbine technicians. Generally, those with work experience in a related occupation are able to find jobs as technicians. You should have a strong technical background. You may need training in safety requirements specific to wind turbine technology. A background and understanding of mechanical and electrical principles are good preparation.

On-the-job training

Once on the job, you receive training related to the wind turbines you will work on. Part of this training is manufacturer training. Other training may include an internship with a wind turbine servicing contractor. Training typically lasts at least one year.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.