Professional Bloggers and Podcasters (Emerging)

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications > Professional Bloggers and Podcasters (Emerging) > Overview
Professional Bloggers and Podcasters (Emerging)

Professional Bloggers and Podcasters (Emerging) - Overview

Professional bloggers and podcasters write and deliver information. They cover a variety of topics. Their products are usually delivered via websites.

Personal blogs (short for web log) have become popular in recent years as have podcasts (audio content that you can listen to online). Blogs and podcasts are accessed on computers and mobile devices.

Blogs and podcasts cover a variety of topics including politics, the environment, business, sports, and movies. Bloggers and podcasters write and talk about subjects they are passionate about.

In most cases, bloggers and podcasters make money when people visit their website and click on ads on their site. In some cases, bloggers and podcasters are sponsored by a company. To bring users back to the site often they post new items frequently. Some people subscribe to blogs and podcasts. Subscribers are notified every time new content is posted or delivered so they know when to return to the site.

Professional bloggers and podcasters may also work for media outlets where they write columns or host radio programs.

Some bloggers and podcasters offer ways for readers and listeners to participate in live discussions. They answer audience questions.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.