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Animal Grooming - Helpful Information

Things to know

It helps to love animals and have a calm, reassuring presence around them.

Internships or supervised work experience may lead to employment or better job prospects and recommendations. Volunteering at local animal shelters or veterinary offices also provides good experience and can get you "in the door" for entry-level employment.

Work as an animal groomer is also good experience if you later decide to go to veterinary school.

You may have to train some animals before they will let you groom them. So, beginning when they are young, you teach them to allow you to touch and handle them, especially to brush, comb, and bathe them.

Most animals who compete have both a trainer and a groomer.

For information about local educational programs in animal grooming, check with veterinary offices, your county's extension service office, the Humane Society, and zoos or marine exhibits.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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